Marketing expert McQuivey estimates that a 60 second video is equivalent to about 1.8 million words. 1.8 Million! We're not sure about your audience but, ours doesn't want to read 1.8 million words about us.
Video content therefore enables information to be conveyed briefly and precisely, more vividly and emotionally. The increasing importance of videos can be attributed in particular to the shift in technologies, as well as the changing generation of audiences.
We don't have time for long texts. At the same time, the online and offline world is so flooded with content that we can no longer consciously perceive the content. Unless it is particularly notable. And this is exactly where video content comes into play!
Conversion rates
Videos are seen as a powerful engine to drive conversions. Landing pages with video content, for example, have around 80% higher conversions . In an e-mail, the click rate increases by an incredible 200-300% ! All you have to do is add the keyword “video” in the subject and whoosh, the opening rate increases by 19% and the unsubscribe rate drops by 26%! Why still have doubts?
Well don't forget, 64% of consumers confirm that they are more inclined to purchase a product after watching the video.
Does video content seem to be becoming more and more likeable to you? Well stay tuned, there are other legitimate reasons to switch to videos!
Customers want video
The customer is king, right? Well then, watch out: 96% of all consumers confirm that a video is helpful in making purchasing decisions. A study also showed that every consumer watches an average of 1.5 hours of video content every day. So why not give customers what they want?
Incidentally, this also applies to the B2B sector: Forbes confirms that 59% of all executives prefer video content to text.

Company pages with embedded videos are 53 times more likely to appear on the first Google page than pages with plain text content. How do we know!? Well not to brag but, after being live for less than a month we ranked top 5 in our local Google search.
Of course there is a very simple explanation: For Google, the focus is always on user experience, because the search engine has made it its business to offer users solutions to problems. Videos usually receive a much longer retention time from webpage visitors and therefore suggest preferred content to Google.
Rise to social media crack
In general, video content on social networks achieves up to 1200% higher shares than text combined with images. And users interact more strongly, distribute more likes and comments on good video posts.
The generally higher engagement rate per post also has a positive influence on the algorithm: While your competition is drowning in the shadow ban , you can enjoy the greater reach.
Greater reach = more potential followers = more potential customers.
Create personality and trust
Videos make it possible to build a personality behind a brand with the help of storytelling. This makes the brand more human, more authentic and creates more trust and credibility among consumers.
After all, people build relationships with other people and not with objects, right? And it is precisely through this emotional bond that the target group can identify with the product much better.
Especially with new brands, a video enables you to create trust and leave a lasting impression. Not to forget, videos are suitable for every phase of the sales funnel: from stranger to lead, from lead to customer, from customer to absolute brand fan.
Scientific stronger brand awareness
Our brain processes visual content around 60,000 times faster than plain text . We memorize stories 22 times easier. Yes and videos.

Combine stories with pictures! Visual storytelling is the fine art of marketing, videos enable just that!
This enables the consumer to better store information in long-term memory.
More specifically, 95% of consumers remember information from videos, compared to 10% when they read it in text format.
Follow the video trend!
So we now understand that all marketing advice goes in the direction of video content.
Because with the shorter attention span you have a minimal time window to convince the customer to go with you, and not your competition.
Videos can not only be used in a variety of ways on different distribution channels, but can also take on different formats. A trend that will certainly last long.
From explanatory videos, classic corporate videos to immersive experiences, the world of video content is becoming more and more diverse and increasing the customer experience enormously. So, sometimes it pays to be less individualist and to think in the direction of a trend. Especially one that's not going anywhere but up.